Upcoming Events

Sat Dec 21,2024
Milonga La Tradicional

Join us this SATURDAY for our monthly TRADICIONAL Milonga.

There will be no class, just Milonga

Milonga from 8pm to 10:45pm

DJ: Jorge

Feliz Ano
Wed Jan 1, 2025
Milonga El Arranque del Año
Potluck Milonga

Join us this January 1st for especial Milonga EL ARRANQUE DEL AÑO

Especial invitation to new students from Panqing and Tiffiany organized tango group.

There will be no class, just Potluck Milonga

Potluck Milonga: 1:00pm - 4:30pm

DJ: Penny

Sat Jan 4, 2024
Milonga La Alternativa

Join us this SATURDAY for our monthly ALTERNATIVA Milonga.

There will be no class, just Milonga

Milonga from 8pm to 10:45pm

DJ: Penny

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